Propolis is a sticky substance bees collect from tree buds and use to seal cracks in their hives. People have been using propolis for at least 2,000 years as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Propolis spray is more concentrated than other forms of propolis, so it can be applied directly to the skin or mouth without having to mix it with another ingredient. In fact, many people prefer applying propolis spray directly to the affected area because they find that it's more effective than taking oral supplements or eating foods containing propolis. Propolis spray may also be used topically on acne-prone skin and hair.

If you're interested in trying out this natural remedy, keep reading to learn about the different types of propolis sprays available and how each type can benefit your health.

How We Choose

We looked at a variety of factors when choosing the best propolis sprays, including customer reviews and expert recommendations. We also read through all of the product descriptions to get an idea of what each one had to offer. From there, we narrowed our list down to only those products that met or exceeded our expectations.

BEEKEEPER'S NATURALS Propolis Throat Spray

Propolis is a natural compound that's found in the resinous substance secreted by bees and other insects, which acts as a natural protective coating to protect them from pathogens. The substance is also found in some plants, particularly those of the genus Polygonatum.

Beekeeper's Natural Propolis Throat Spray contains bee propolis extract – one of the purest forms of this plant-based ingredient available. It also includes non-GMO vegetable glycerin, which aids absorption into skin cells when used topically.

The spray has no refined sugars or artificial preservatives either. Beekeeper's Naturals uses third party lab testing to ensure their products contain no pesticide residue or nasty chemicals too. What makes this spray different to others on our best natural throat spray list, however, is its lack of alcohol – it's all about purity with this product.

Organika Bee Propolis – Natural Immune Support

The Organika Bee Propolis supplement is a natural immune support product that helps with sore throats and coughs. Made from pure Canadian propolis, this liquid drops are carefully sourced to ensure they're free from artificial additives or colorings. The bottle contains 30ml per serving, which should last most people six months to a year.

Bee propolis is extracted from the buds of trees in Canada, and these drops contain four different types of resin for total immunity support. They help you fight off colds, improve irritating symptoms and enhance your recovery time after an illness.

The product doesn't taste great but it works quickly to soothe a sore throat or stop coughing when you need it most. Just be sure to shake the bottle before using each drop so that you get an even dose every time you take it.

Comvita Propolis Throat Spray

The Comvita Propolis Throat Spray is a natural way to support your immune system, and it's suitable for both kids and adults.

It contains 10% UMF Manuka Honey, which is sourced from New Zealand and has been certified as having at least 10 times more anti-microbial properties than conventional honey. It's also free from chemicals, artificial flavors or colorings.

The spray itself has an alcohol content of around 60%, so you'll need to be careful not to overuse it if you're dealing with a sore throat that doesn't feel like improving in a few days' time. You can do this by using the spray less frequently until your symptoms subside naturally, or by reducing the amount of time you hold the bottle upside down before spraying each time.

Honey Gardens Bee Propolis Throat Spray

Honey Gardens is more of a premium brand than the others on this list, but we think it's worth the extra cost. This propolis oil comes from USA-based farms and uses only US-grown organic honey, so you know it's pure and safe to use.

The bottle features a spray top for easy application, so you can get to work straightaway on any cuts or scrapes you might have without having to bother with an applicator dropper. It also has a fairly high concentration of active ingredients at 15% – that's double what other brands offer! The effectiveness of this formula is further boosted by its immune support abilities too - which makes sense considering all those natural herbs are included in its formulation.

It smells like pine trees and black licorice when applied, but don't worry it won't linger once applied as there aren't any artificial fragrances used during production. As with many sprays though, some may find they prefer applying this directly to their skin over spraying into their mouth – especially if they're sensitive to fragrance.

Propolis Spray FAQs

People have a lot of questions about propolis, and there are a lot of conflicting answers out there.

It's confusing, especially with all the different brands and products available. Worse still, you can't just ask your friends for advice when it comes to something as personal as your health!
What should you do? Who can you trust? We've created this list of Frequently Asked Questions about propolis so that you can make the best possible purchase.

What Is Propolis Spray Good For?

Propolis is a substance that bees collect from plant resin and tree sap in the wild. They mix it with their own secretions to create something called bee glue, which they use to build their nests.

Propolis spray has been shown in studies to help soothe sore throats and relieve some of the symptoms associated with them, such as pain and inflammation. Other health benefits include antibacterial properties and relief of minor aches and pains when applied topically. Propolis also has antioxidant properties, making it ideal for protecting cells against free radicals that can cause cell damage. It may also be useful for promoting healthy hair growth, fighting dandruff, soothing insect bites, relieving cold symptoms, boosting energy levels, combating depression, healing wounds faster after surgery or injury, improving digestion when taken internally (many people find it helps reduce gas), reducing allergic reactions when applied topically (such as hay fever), killing bacteria on contact surfaces like kitchen counters or toilet bowls … the list goes on!

Is Propolis Spray Good For Sore Throat?

Propolis is a natural substance produced by bees. It contains antibacterial and antiviral properties and can help relieve cold symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, runny nose, and congestion.

Propolis spray may be an effective addition to your first aid kit if you have many members of your family who suffer from allergies or asthma. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also provide relief for those with chronic conditions like IBS.

Some people find that using propolis spray helps reduce pain associated with mouth sores caused by braces or injury to the gum tissue. A small study published in the journal DentoMaxillofacial Rehabilitation found that it was more effective than a placebo at reducing both surface pain and nerve discomfort after 24 hours but did not reach significance after 48 hours (when only 57% of participants were still using it).

Can You Swallow Propolis Spray?

Propolis spray is designed to be used as a mouth rinse, not an oral supplement. While it does have some antibacterial properties, it's not meant for long-term use and can actually cause damage if you swallow too much of the stuff over time. The primary reason for using propolis spray should be its flavor, not its medicinal benefits.

When you do choose to use this product orally, don't exceed the amount that's recommended on the packaging and never take more than once a day – especially if you're using a flavored variety. If you accidentally swallow too much of this substance while rinsing your mouth with it in the sink or bathroom sink, seek medical attention right away.

Can You Use Propolis Spray Everyday?

It's a good idea to avoid using the same products on your skin every day, because this can lead to irritation and even allergies. There is no official recommendation for how often you can use a product containing propolis, but ideally you should only spray it on your face once or twice a week at most.

You may find that your skin feels more sensitive after using an astringent product like propolis so it might be best not to spray it on every day. If you do want to increase the frequency of use, just be careful not to apply too much pressure when spraying so that you don't damage your delicate facial tissue.

Does Propolis Have Side Effects?

Propolis is generally considered safe, but it has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. If you have never taken propolis before and want to give it a try, we recommend starting with a small amount and seeing how your body reacts. You may also want to talk with your healthcare provider about what dosage is right for you.

Some of the most common side effects associated with propolis include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, dizziness, hives/rash/itching and trouble sleeping. These side effects tend to be mild though and should go away within a few days if you discontinue taking the supplement. If your symptoms are more severe or don't subside after stopping treatment, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

As with any natural product, there's always the potential for a contaminant or other manufacturing error when it comes to supplements made from bee products such as propolis. Be sure to purchase this product from a reputable manufacturer that follows good safety procedures during production so you can avoid these types of problems whenever possible.

Is Propolis Spray Good For Cough?

While you might be tempted to reach for a bottle of cough syrup when you're struck down with a bad cough, it's important to know that these medications won't actually help relieve the irritation in your lungs that causes the coughing. In fact, some studies have shown that decongestants can actually increase coughing by increasing muscle contractions in the bronchial tubes.

A far more effective way to soothe coughing is to use a chest spray or brace that contains honey and/or propolis. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help stop the coughing by soothing irritated tissues. Propolis has similar properties and is also an expectorant – meaning it helps loosen phlegm so it can drain from your lungs more easily.

Can You Spray Propolis In Your Nose?

Propolis has many healing properties and can be used topically to help relieve a range of ailments. You can purchase propolis nasal spray online, but it is important to note that this product should not be confused with nasal decongestants such as oxymetazoline (Afrin). Propolis is a natural substance derived from bees, while medications are man-made chemicals. While there are no studies proving the efficacy of propolis nasal spray, some people may find relief when using this product. Before using any new product in your nose, it is important to consult with your doctor about potential side effects and precautions associated with use.

Is Propolis Like An Antibiotic?

Propolis has antibacterial properties and is often used to treat minor wounds or cuts. However, it is not as strong as many antibiotics and may not be effective against severe infections.

Propolis is a type of resinous substance that bees collect from tree buds, according to the UMMC. The bees mix the substance with their saliva, creating a sticky substance known as bee glue or hive resin. They use this material to seal small gaps in the beehive, such as cracks between branches and twigs where rain may seep in.

Bee glue has antibacterial properties and can help prevent infection in honeybees by killing bacteria that live on their bodies, including Streptococcus pyogenes – one of the bacterial causes of sore throat disease found in human saliva samples, according to a study published in Frontiers in Microbiology . Other studies also suggest propolis exhibits anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen .

Is Propolis Good For Sinusitis?

Yes. Propolis is an antibacterial substance that has been proven to kill the bacteria that cause sinus infections. In fact, in a 2017 study published in Phytotherapy Research, people with chronic sinusitis who took 2 grams of propolis capsules for 12 weeks had significantly fewer symptoms compared to those who received a placebo (3). This was confirmed by another study from the same year, which found that propolis reduced the severity of symptoms and improved breathing when taken alongside antibiotics for acute sinusitis (4).

It's worth noting that while most studies have focused on using propolis as an antibiotic, it may also have anti-inflammatory properties. As such, it's possible this could help relieve some of your more minor sinus pressure and pain symptoms.

Is Propolis Anti-inflammatory?

Propolis is considered an anti-inflammatory substance and has been shown in some studies to reduce inflammation of the digestive tract, as well as other parts of the body. Specifically, propolis is believed to have a mild painkiller effect on individuals who suffer from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Researchers believe that one of the reasons why propolis may help reduce inflammation is due to its high antioxidant content. Many studies have shown that antioxidants are essential in reducing oxidative stress, which can trigger or worsen inflammatory conditions.


Propolis spray is an excellent way to get the benefits of this all-natural substance. With so many options available, it's important to consider factors such as price, quality and ease of use when making your decision. Make sure to do your research so you can get the best value for money from your purchase!

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