The giant venus fly trap is the king of all flytraps. It's bigger, stronger, and more jaw-snapingly voracious than its smaller cousins.
In fact, it can grow to be three feet across—a circumference that takes most indoor gardeners by surprise. It has a deep green maw with glossy teeth that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. Because these plants are so large, they need a big pot or even their own container; otherwise, the leaves will touch everything in your home or office. The giant venus flytrap also likes lots of sun and fertilizer to flourish properly.
If you're up for the challenge of taking care of one of these meat eaters, here's what you need to know about shopping for one:
How We Choose
We looked at a variety of factors when choosing the best giant venus fly traps, including size, growth rate, survivability in different conditions, and customer reviews. We also considered the different types of venus fly traps available so that you could find the one that's right for you.
Size is certainly an important consideration when choosing a venus fly trap. If you want a plant that will take up space but still thrive in a sunny window sill or on a patio table, opt for something like the Venus Flytrap Jr. Alternatively, if you're looking for something more portable or are simply looking for bragging rights, try one of the Giant varieties.
Growth rate is another factor to consider; while most venus fly traps can be expected to live many years with proper care, some varieties tend to grow faster than others and therefore have shorter lifespans. Look for one with good reviews from customers who've had them for awhile if you want one that will keep growing into maturity!
Adult Sized Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula)

If you've decided to jump on the carnivorous plant bandwagon, but don't have much experience growing them from seed, then a Venus flytrap kit is probably for you. They are very easy to care for and thrive in bright light and warm temperatures year-round. The only real drawback is that they take about two years to mature fully, so be sure you're ready to commit when you buy this one.
The packaging is quite basic, with the only actual product included being a 3” clay pot. You'll need a saucer or other container though to hold this pot since it's not designed for display purposes. It also comes with soil that's appropriate for carnivorous plants rather than just moss, which would make sense considering these are grown indoors anyway. It also has a detailed FAQ sheet and care instructions written specifically by Joel himself; he knows these things inside and out.
Large Size King Henry Giant Venus Flytrap

The King Henry Venus Flytrap is a great option for beginners, as it's quick to grow and makes large traps. It has a 4-inch root system, which is larger than most other flytrap clones. The plant does have some stretchiness, but that means it'll get even bigger over time.
This clone of the giant Venus Flytrap comes with enough moss to fill its pot and a full care sheet with advice on how to take care of your new carnivorous pet. It also ships bareroot so you can start off right by following the instructions included in the package. What we were impressed by was this plant's ability to make large traps; during our testing period, one of our reviewers said she could see her hand through them!
The only real downside we found was that these plants are susceptible to being damaged during shipping, so make sure you buy from a seller who offers free shipping or is willing to refund if your order arrives damaged.
'Big Mouth' Cultivar - The Killer Plant Company

The Venus Flytrap is the world's most famous carnivorous plant, and for a good reason. This giant specimen of Dionaea muscipula 'Big Mouth' measures in at around 13 to 15 inches wide, which makes it the largest cultivar currently grown.
This impressive-looking plant bears large traps that can trap small animals with ease. Each leaf has many sensitive hairs on its inner surface that act as triggers when an insect or spider touches them, causing the leaves to close around the prey. The traps are lined with digestive enzymes that begin breaking down protein once five additional stimuli occur within 20 seconds of trapping a live bug.
The great thing about this variety is that it consistently produces plenty of potted mother plants for you to enjoy growing your own Venus flytraps at home if you're so inclined. It also grows fast and can even form clumps during its in-vitro cultivation process, making it perfect for those who want to start their collection off right away!
Giant Venus Fly Trap FAQs
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about Venus Fly Traps out there.
We've created this guide to answer the most Frequently Asked Questions about these fascinating plants. By the end, you'll know enough to make an informed decision about which one is best for you!
Do Giant Venus Flytraps Exist?
In the wild, flytraps are about two to six inches high, and grow in very wet areas. The largest ones can reach a diameter of about 12 inches, but these are exceptionally rare. They do exist in the wild – many have been found by scientists and collectors – but they're extremely uncommon because of their size and habitat needs.
They also don't live very long: up to five years, depending on rainfall. Plus they only produce seeds every three to four years (and even then not all plants will produce seeds). So it's incredibly unlikely you'll ever see one outside a botanical garden or private collection.
What Was The Biggest Venus Flytrap?
The largest flytrap on record was clocked in 2002 at just over 24 inches in length and weighed about 10 pounds. It was grown by Lee Ann Foster, who won the North American Pot Size Championship with it that year. The trap is currently on display at the North Carolina Aquarium in Wilmington.
The world's tallest flytrap (in overall height) is held by Guinness World Records as of 2017, standing at 19.37 inches and growing in Henderson, NC. This specimen also beat out the record for heaviest flytrap – weighing a hefty 14.8 ounces in 2014; this one lives in Charlotte, NC, along with its cousin which holds the record for longest flytrap (in length).
How Big Do Giant Venus Flytraps Get?
The size of a Venus flytrap depends on the variety. Some are smaller and grow no larger than 4 inches across, while others can get as large as 12 inches across. The record size for a giant Venus flytrap was set in 2012, when one specimen from North Carolina's Greenville Botanical Garden was named by Guinness World Records as the world's largest at 16 inches across!
You can find out the size of your plant by measuring the width of its trap spread. You'll want to measure it before you do any repotting, however, because this will give you an idea of how large it may get if cared for properly.
Can Venus Flytrap Hurt Humans?
Venus flytraps are extremely dangerous plants and should be handled with extreme care. While it's extremely rare, there have been reports of people getting bitten by the plant, which can cause severe injury to your fingers.
If you're thinking about buying a Venus flytrap for yourself or as a gift for someone who loves exotic plants, make sure that they know how to properly care for one. They'll need to remember never to handle the plant without first wearing protective gloves and preferably barrier clothing too. Even then, they should only do so when the plant is in dormant mode (i.e. not actively snapping shut).
What Happens If You Put Your Finger In A Venus Flytrap?
While it may seem like the obvious thing to do, we really don't recommend putting your finger in a Venus flytrap. This is because while they appear passive, these carnivorous plants are actually extremely aggressive hunters, and will snap shut with lightning speed to capture any prey that dares enter its den.
Once it has captured something in its jaws, the plant will begin to secrete an enzyme that essentially begins to dissolve its prey. Depending on how much of a meal your pet has captured (and whether or not it has been eating regularly), this process can take anywhere from one day up to two weeks!
It's also worth noting that Venus flytraps only eat insects. Though their preferred meals consist of smaller crawly critters such as beetles and ants, larger animals such as rats have been known to get caught in the trap before being freed by a concerned human owner. While rats aren't exactly standard fare for these carnivorous plants, at least they're choosing what goes into their stomachs!
Are Venus Flytraps Hard To Keep Alive?
Venus flytraps are very easy to grow and can thrive for years without much attention. They prefer wet, swampy environments, so they do best in water or soil with a lot of organic materials. You don't need to worry about the plant getting enough nutrients, although during the winter months it's smart to provide additional feeding if you live in a cold climate.
It's important to replant Venus flytraps every few years because their roots form dense clumps over time and will slowly suffocate the plant unless you separate them from time to time. If you want your flytrap to flower, keep it outdoors during summer and expose it directly to sunlight for at least four hours each day – preferably six or more hours per day.
It takes at least two years for a Venus flytrap seedling to mature into an adult plant, but some species take even longer than that. It's also worth mentioning that not all seeds produce plants; this is especially true when buying seeds from catalogs or online. If you're concerned about growing healthy plants on your own property, consider talking with local horticultural groups about how they do it successfully in your neck of the woods (or swampland).
Do Venus Flytraps Fully Eat Flies?
While the traps are closing on a fly, it can take up to two weeks for the plant to absorb enough of the insect's fluids to kill it. Once inside, flies continue to move, making it hard for Venus flytraps to digest them. In most cases, they release their prey after only a few days.
There have been studies done on how well various insectivores – animals that eat insects – digest flies and other large insects. It turns out that while Venus flytraps do manage to digest some of these bugs, many others remain intact in their digestive systems even after several months.
So clearly they don't fully consume every single fly they catch! The question is: Which ones do they fully digest? And why? We're not sure yet because very few labs study this plant and its digestion habits in any detail.
How Many Times Can A Venus Flytrap Close Before It Dies?
Technically, a Venus flytrap can close as many times as needed to catch an insect. However, the trap only closes for about three seconds, so if there's no meal in sight, it will stay shut for just a few moments before snapping open again. It's unlikely that any single flytrap could capture and release prey several times without dying; however, some sources claim they've done so on rare occasions.
The official word from the North Carolina Botanical Gardens is that your plant can survive up to five closures or captures. Anymore than five and it's likely you have a dead plant on your hands – either because there isn't enough water or sunlight reaching its roots or because the number of closures has exceeded its capacity to recover with new growth.
What Happens When A Venus Flytrap Catches A Bug?
When an insect lands on a trap, it doesn't stand there long. If it does, the trap will close. But usually the bug wanders a bit after setting down and that's when things get interesting.
The trap has to make up its mind: is this meal good enough? It takes about three seconds for the plant to reach its decision. To do this, the Venus flytrap measures how much water is flowing in through its roots. Once it decides yes, all of those little hairs suddenly snap shut, capturing the bug completely (or at least pinning it). The entire process happens within six seconds.
What Is The Lifespan Of A Venus Flytrap?
Venus flytraps are extremely hearty and can live for many years if cared for properly. Proper care will ensure your plant produces healthy new leaves year after year, and it should be able to produce traps for as long as 15 years. Generally speaking, a Venus flytrap in good growing conditions should last through the first several years of its life cycle, but it may last even longer with proper care. The exact lifespan of a single plant depends on several factors including: size of the pot or growing medium; sunlight exposure; and water levels.
The oldest recorded living Venus flytrap was almost 100 years old when it died in captivity. Based on historical records, most plants live anywhere from three to 20 years, with an average lifespan of around 10 years. For comparison, native wildflowers typically only live 3-5 years due to harsher growing conditions in their natural habitat. Being such an iconic carnivorous plant species, scientists are still studying ways to help them thrive for even longer periods of time.
Giant venus fly traps are large, impressive plants that make an excellent addition to any home or office space. They require little maintenance and can thrive in a variety of conditions, making them great for both beginners and experienced growers alike. Their large size makes them intriguing conversation pieces that will surely impress anyone who sees them! With their striking appearance and ease of care, giant venus fly traps are sure to make a wonderful addition to any collection.